
Open Procurements in the GN-SEC network

Past Procurements

Centre Deadline
Consultancy: Development of Communication Strategy ECREEE
Consultancy: Production of Advocacy Videos ECREEE
Consultancy Services: Training on Monitoring and Evaluation ECREEE
Consultancy: Monitoring and Evaluation Software Development ECREEE
Relaunch: ECREEE Policy, Regulation and Planning Expert ECREEE
UNIDO Tender: Advisory for the development of regulatory and practical implementation frameworks for the reduction of commercial grid losses and distributed renewable energy systems in São Tomé and Príncipe, Deadline: 30 January 2023 GN-SEC Secretariat
Consultancy Services to develop ECOWAS Green Hydrogen Policy ECREEE
Expression of Interest: EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing Facility EACREEE
Consultancy Services to develop ECREEE’s IT Policies and Procedure ECREEE
Consultancy Services to develop Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy ECREEE
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ 21-276 - Sustainable Energy Instructor - Tonga PCREEE
Support for the translation of the UNIDO Small Hydro Power Guidelines and Mini-Grid Toolkit into Portuguese GN-SEC Secretariat
Consultancy to Develop a Business Plan for the ECOWAS Certification Scheme for Sustainable Energy Skills ECREEE
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: RFP21-155 - PROTEGE - Supply, install and local training for the Solar PV Hybrid System of Pitcairn Islands PCREEE
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ 21/232 - Consultancy to support the implementation of the PCREEE’s Annual Work Plan 2021-2022 in Papua New Guinea PCREEE
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ 21-216 - Sustainable Energy Coordinator - Cook Is PCREEE
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ 21-217 - Sustainable Energy Coordinator - Solomon Is PCREEE
Consultancy to Develop a Five Year (2022 – 2026) Strategic Plan for ECREEE ECREEE
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: RFQ 21-169 – Fabrication of a conference room, Manager’s Office and a server room at the PCREEE Office, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga PCREEE