
All members of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) have adopted ambitious plans for the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change mitigation/adaptation. However, particularly in the CPLP countries in Africa, the uptake of the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) technology markets is hindered by a broad range of demand-side and supply-side barriers, which need to be addressed simultaneously. Qualification and certification need particular attention. The development of inclusive sustainable energy technology markets in these countries requires a critical mass of professionals in the private and public sectors.
In most CPLP countries in Africa, including São Tomé and Príncipe, there is a lack of Portuguese quality programs and tools on sustainable energy issues and solutions. Since most countries intend to further develop the area of small hydro power and renewable energy mini-grids, there is a common need for dedicated tools. Therefore, UNIDO is supporting São Tomé and Príncipe and other CPLP countries in Africa in the translation of the UNIDO Small Hydropower Guidelines and the Clean Energy Mini-Grid Policy Development Guide and Templates from English to Portuguese. Due to their common language, history, culture and technical standards, CPLP countries share particular needs and requirements. The tools will be used for future south-south and triangular capacity building activities.
The efforts are supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project “Strategic program to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency investments in the electricity sector of São Tomé and Príncipe". It is also supported by the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) programme, which is coordinated by UNIDO in partnership with various economic communities. The facilitation of joint learning and knowledge exchange between the Portuguese speaking countries, particularly in Africa, is an important focus of the network.
Objective and scope of the assignment
UNIDO, in partnership with the Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment (MOPIRNA) in Sao Tome and Principe are implementing the above mentioned GEF and GCF projects. The projects aim to create an enabling environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency investments by promoting combined interventions in the areas of policy and regulation, institutional capacity building, knowledge management, technology demonstration and pre-investment support. Under the umbrella of these projects, the UNIDO Small Hydro Power Guidelines and Mini-Grid Toolkit will be further streamlined and applied in Sao Tome and Principe, as well as other lusophone countries. UNIDO seeks support for the translation and final design of the following documents indicated in the table below. The translations shall be provided in European or Brazilian Portuguese (to be agreed at the beginning of the assignment). All translations need to be made to the highest quality, where no further editing by UNIDO should be required. The assignment will involve several rounds of quality assurance with UNIDO and project partners.
Interested and qualified bidders are invited to submit offers at latest by 31 October 2021, 17:00 CET, through the UNIDO procurement portal, Further information is available in the TOR below and at:
Procurement expired