Expression of Interest: EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing Facility

The Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances in East and Southern Africa (EELA) Project invites energy users and energy service providers to submit Expressions of Interest (EoI) for technical and financial support to develop and implement energy efficient lighting and appliances projects in the East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member State(s). The first phase of the EoI shall be valid until 31 December 2021.
1) Technical Assistance Window for the design of Energy Service business models.
The window is addressed to energy users such as municipalities, industries and other large energy users across all sectors interested in collaborating with energy service providers in addressing energy efficiency barriers through appropriate energy service business models. The EELA facility will support the preparation of energy efficiency business proposals and in engaging with relevant energy service providers. 
2) Co-financing Window for co-financing implementation of energy efficiency projects
Co-financing is provided to energy services provider who would have entered into an energy service agreement with an energy user seeking to implement an eligible energy efficiency project. An agreement needs to be in place prior to the application for this funding. The financial support particularly targets the reduction of upfront costs of investment in efficient lighting and appliances hardware and software. The maximum co-financing available from the EELA facility that can be applied for by an energy services provider under this window is 200,000 Euro and maximum 75% of the capital costs of the project.
3) Technology Transition Support Window for manufacturers
This window targets manufacturers of energy efficient appliances in SADC and EAC member states requiring upgrading/improving of their production processes/facilities to meet the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for lighting, cooling, and other appliances, which are adopted within the EELA program. Eligible applicants can apply for technical and financial assistance support from this window. 
The maximum co-financing available from the EELA facility that can be applied for by a manufacturer under this window is 100,000 Euro and up to a maximum 75% of the total costs of the project.
Who can apply?
The following organizations are eligible to apply for technical assistance and co-financing from the EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing Facility:
 Publicly owned energy users based in EAC or SADC member states,
 Privately owned energy users based in EAC or SADC member states,
 Energy service providers, including energy service companies (ESCOs) based in EAC or SADC member states,
 Consortiums involving international service providers and EAC or SADC based energy service providers,
 EAC or SADC based manufacturers of energy efficient lighting and appliances seeking to retool or upgrade their equipment or processes to enable them to manufacture lighting and appliances that meet the adopted MEPS.
How to apply?
All applications are to be submitted through UNIDO using the following e-mail address: 
 This procurement is governed by the provisions of the UNIDO rules and regulations 
 EoI shall be submitted by using the application forms provided for this call
 Applicants must submit the following:
o Concept note
o Applicant form – Annex A  
o Declaration form – Annex B
o Verification of the company registration
o Confirmation of being registered for tax
o Confirmation of having no tax debt
o Company organization chart
o Most recent audited report and accounts
o CVs of the key management team
 Applicants must identify their targets for energy savings
 Proposals must be signed by the project promoters 
 The proposals and all documentation appended may be drawn up in English, French or Portuguese and contain the information and documents indicated in this EoI documentation. 
 The formation of a consortium is allowed. In such cases the project promoters must submit either: a proposal signed by all partners of the consortium and a draft of a consortium agreement providing for joint and several liabilities with reference to the contract including the nomination of the lead firm of the consortium. Scanned signatures are accepted, or an EoI signed by the lead firm and a copy of a consortium agreement, signed by all participating parties, providing for joint and several liability with reference to the contract including the nomination of the lead firm of the consortium. Scanned signatures are accepted. 
Please direct any questions to Mr. Aymen Ahmed (; CC:
Indicative Timeline
Timeframe for submission of EoI:  ongoing
Evaluation:  quarterly
Contracting/due diligence:  12 weeks after commencement of contact negotiations
Implementation duration:  maximum 18 months after contract signing with UNIDO

Procurement expired