Consultancy: Development of Communication Strategy

Efficient communication and advocacy have been a major cornerstone in effectively carrying out the agency’s mandate. Key players are duly informed to ensure that they understand the Centre’s role in the energy sector, more specifically, its activities and projects. This is achieved employing a good outreach strategy to the targeted stakeholders, through the right media.

For that reason, ECREEE is seeking to recruit an individual consultant to help improve its Advocacy, Communication and Outreach, in line with the Terms of Reference (ToR) attached.


  1. Proposals, both technical and financial, should be submitted by email only to
  2.  Clearly indicating in the subject: « COMMUNICATION STRATEGY».
  3. For additional information or request for clarification, please contact ECREEE through the following E-mail jabdulrahman(a) and aadebiyi(a) Please do not copy these email address when submitting your proposals. Your application will be disqualified if you do so.
  4. The financial proposal should be submitted in EUR.
  5. The deadline for submission of proposals should be no later than 13:00 hrs (GMT) of 3rd of March 2022.
  6. Proposals should not be submitted in ZIP format and should not exceed 10MB (total attachment per email).


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