
Projects awarded with ACP-EU Energy Facility grant

In cooperation with other partners ECREEE proposed several project proposals to the second call of the EU-ACP Energy Facility. Two projects were recommended for co-funding by the Evaluation Committee of the Facility.

Bonn Symposium 2010

Bonn symposium 2010 “New Energy Sources - New conflicts?”, focusing on Rules and Strategies for a Global Access to Renewable Energies, is organized by the Development and Peace Foundation (SEF) in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technis

ECREEE and ITC seek Cooperation

ECREEE participated at the “Seminário sobre o Sistema de Energia em Cabo Verde”, held in Praia (Cape Verde) on the 26th of November 2010 during which it made a presentation on “Promoting Renewable Energy an
Image of Largest Solar PV in Africa inaugurated in Praia

Largest Solar PV in Africa inaugurated in Praia

In line with the National Strategic Plan of Cape Verde which strives to have fifty percent of the country living on renewable energy by 2016, the Cape Verdean government awarded a contract to Martifer Solar on January 7th, 2010 for

Image of Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC2010)

Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC2010)

From the 27th to the 29th of October 2010, ECREEE participated in the Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC 2010) hosted by the Government of India and supported by REN21.

Image of The Third ECOWAS Business Forum

The Third ECOWAS Business Forum

The action plan of the 3rd ECOWAS Business Forum, held in Abidjan on 1st October 2010, calls the ECOWAS Commission to declare the decade of energy sufficiency and recommends the development of minimum renewable energy targets

Interview with the ECREEE Director

22 September 2010

In its latest edition the expert magazine VENCER published an article on renewable energy in West Africa including an interview with the Executive Director.

Image of ECREEE and REEEP agrees on cooperation

ECREEE and REEEP agrees on cooperation

REEEP activities in West Africa are getting a boost thanks the formation of the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE).

Press Conference

28 May 2010, Praia, Cape Verde

The ECOWAS Commission, UNIDO and the Government of Cape Verde gave a press conference on the official launching of ECREEE end of July 2010 and cooperation on a GEF project.