Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Project Map for West Africa

ECREEE and agreed on a cooperation concerning the mapping of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in West Africa. The map provides an overview on relevant RE&EE demonstration, pilot and investment projects and programs in the West African region and is regularly updated by the ECREEE Secretariat.  

  • The map shows already existing sites as well as projects under development
    or implementation. All projects are desribed briefly and provide links for further information. 
  • All projects supported or co-funded by ECREEE will be included to the map   
  • Sites marked with a flag are in the planning status and seek still technical
    assistance or financial support. ECREEE is pleased to interlink interested investors and/or service/supplier companies with the project owners.
  • Please do not hesitate to suggest YOUR project for inclusion into the map.

The project mapping is a first step regarding the establishment of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Observatory (EREO). Similar cooperations regarding the mappping tools of REEEP and REN-21 are planned.

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