Job Opportunities

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Past job openings

Centre Deadline
Digital Energy Facility: 2021 Call for Projects SACREEE
Request For Proposals: Conducting of a Baseline Survey and Partnership for Skills development in the RE, EE and REI sub-sector for the Skills for Energy in Southern Africa (SESA) Project SACREEE
Request For Proposals: Conducting of a Baseline Survey and An assessment of skills supply & demand for the Skills for Energy in Southern Africa (SESA) Project SACREEE
NAMA Facility: Ambition Initiative Call SACREEE
Climate Investment Platform: Call for proposals in Small Island Developing States SACREEE
Private Financing Advisory Network: Call for Climate and Clean Energy Projects SACREEE
SOLTRAIN Solar Thermal Project Support Scheme for Postgraduate Students SACREEE
Technical Advisor to ECREEE to be seconded by AECID ECREEE
Provision of services related to awareness raising and development of communication materials for the EELA Project activities SACREEE
Call for Candidatures to "Communication Manager - meetMED II" Position RCREEE
Consultant - IRENA Pacific Focal Point PCREEE
Energy Data Analyst Intern SACREEE
RCREEE calls Arab experts and trainers to join Pan Arab Certified Energy Management Professional (PA-CEMP) Program database RCREEE
Join RCREEE’s Expert Database RCREEE
Coordinator - Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) for Productive Use SACREEE
United Nations Democracy Fund: Call for Project proposals SACREEE
Anuncio de Vaga ECREEE
UNIDO Vacancy Announcement: GN-SEC Project Administrator No. 2 (ISA-Junior Specialist) SACREEE
UNIDO Vacancy Announcement: GN-SEC Project Administrator No. 2 PCREEE