Job Opportunities

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Past job openings

Centre Deadline
Senior Expert (Project Based) RCREEE
Senior Bird Observer (Project Based) RCREEE
Junior Bird Observer (Project Based) RCREEE
Res4Africa Advanced Training Course 2021 SACREEE
Call for papers for the 2022 ISEC focusing on “Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems SACREEE
Call for Proposals for Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor in Malawi SACREEE
PFAN Call for Proposals: Southern Africa Projects in circular economy, agriculture, water, forestry, biomass, ecosystems and biodiversity SACREEE
Africa Innovation Fellowship 2021 SACREEE
African Youth Adaptation Solutions (YouthADAPT) Challenge SACREEE
DBSA Call for Proposals: Funding of Solar Photovoltaic and Onshore Wind Projects under the Embedded Generation Investment Programme SACREEE
Call for Participation: Virtual Conference on Sharing Experiences of Gender and Renewable Energy Innovations SACREEE
Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency Engineering Specialist RCREEE
AFSIA Solar Awards 2021 SACREEE
Call for Case Studies & Videos - DRE for Mining Campaign: Decarbonising Mines & Powering up Communities SACREEE
Call for applications: Renew-ABLE against COVID SACREEE
Request for Proposals: Development of Namibia's Green Hydrogen Industry SACREEE
3rd Renewable Transformation Challenge 2021 SACREEE
Request for Quotation - Shipment of pieces of Viso LightSpion Portable Photometric Equipment SACREEE
Call for Nominations for AWIEF Awards 2021 SACREEE
Green People’s Energy Challenge Call SACREEE