Job Opportunities

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Past job openings

Centre Deadline
Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Compilation of the SADC 2021 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report SACREEE
Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Design and Development of a web-based Sustainable Energy Knowledge Hub for SACREEE SACREEE
IRENA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP): Consultancy Services for Community Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences of Large scale Wind and Solar Project SACREEE
Energy Advisor - League of Arab States RCREEE
Start Up Energy Transition Award 2022 SACREEE
Office Manager/Logistics coordinator RCREEE
Call for Applicants from the Private Sector to join RCREEE Executive Committee RCREEE
21st Micro-Grid Academy: Call for Applications SACREEE
Call for Innovations: Southern and Central Africa Regional Innovation Hub SACREEE
EOI: WAREP Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist ECREEE
EOI: WAREP Clean Energy Minigrids Specialist ECREEE
Call for proposals for Social Infrastructure in Mozambique (FASER) SACREEE
Green People’s Energy for Africa's Small Projects Fund SACREEE
Small and Growing Business Fund SACREEE
Energy Transition Facility - Call for Projects SACREEE
BRILHO Programme in Mozambique SACREEE
Expression of Interest: EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing Facility SACREEE
ToR for a Technical Advisor to the ECREEE to be seconded by AECID ECREEE
Individual Consultant to Develop A Bankable Project Proposal and Sector Roll-Out (BPSR) Proposal for the Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap (STTR) and Implementation Plan For Botswana SACREEE