Job Opportunities

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Past job openings

Centre Deadline
Umoja Incubator: Call for Applications SACREEE
Request for Expression of Interest: Development of Energy Storage Codes and Standards for SADC Region SACREEE
2022 Clean Cooking Women Leaders Award: Call for Nominations SACREEE
Concepção, Fornecimento, Instalação e Comissionamento de Tecnologias de Energia Renovável Distribuída para Uso Produtivo no Toco, Província da Huíla, Angola SACREEE
Pacific Islands Energy Professional - PCREEE (x2) PCREEE
Consultancy: Renewable Energy Expert ECREEE
Consultancy: Certification Expert ECREEE
2nd Call for Applications: SADC Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility SACREEE
Micro-Grid Academy’s Young Talent of the Year Award – 2022 edition: applications open SACREEE
Access to Energy Fund Program | 4ᵗʰ Edition: Registrations are open SACREEE
Expression of Interest - WAREP Project Coordinator ECREEE
Team Leader – Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions Project (SPC) PCREEE
SHC Solar Award: 2022 Call for Nominations SACREEE
Purchasing Officer RCREEE
Human Resources Section Head RCREEE
IEA SHC Solar Award: Call for Nominations 2022 SACREEE
Call for applications: Women in Clean Cooking mentorship programme SACREEE
Call for Proposals for EPC Contractor in Zambia for the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Solar Powered Irrigation and Water Supply System and other DRE for Productive Use SACREEE
Open Africa Power 2022: Call for application SACREEE
Call for Proposals for EPC Contractor in Botswana for the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Solar Powered Irrigation and Water Supply System and other DRE for Productive Use SACREEE