
The Caribbean at CREF

The Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF) kicked off live this year, after virtual engagement during pandemic peaks.

Image of Registrar agora! Workshop virtual Train the Trainer do "Programa de Capacitação Online em Soluções de Energia Sustentável para Ilhas"

Registrar agora! Workshop virtual Train the Trainer do "Programa de Capacitação Online em Soluções de Energia Sustentável para Ilhas"

Gestores, especialistas e professores que trabalham em institutos de formação, universidades ou centros vocacionais de Pequenos Estados Insulares em Desenvolvimento (SIDS) na África, Caribe, Oceano Índico e Pacífico são convidados a se inscrever p

Image of REGISTER NOW: Train the Trainer Workshop of the "Online Capacity Building Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands"

REGISTER NOW: Train the Trainer Workshop of the "Online Capacity Building Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands"

Managers, experts and teachers working at energy training institutes, universities or vocational centres in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Africa, Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific are invited to register for a virtual Train th

Image of REGISTER NOW: Train the Trainer Workshop of the "Online Capacity Building Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands"

REGISTER NOW: Train the Trainer Workshop of the "Online Capacity Building Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands"

Managers, experts and teachers working at SIDS energy training institutes, universities or vocational centres in Africa, Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific are invited to register for a virtual Train the Trainer Workshop of the "Online Ca

Image of 6.1 Million To Go

6.1 Million To Go

In the early months of 2022, the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency’s (CCREEE) Project Preparation Facility (PPF) took off running as its team endeavoured to advance several initiati

Image of SICREEE invita a participar en el webinario: “Eficiencia Energética y Reducción de Costos en el Sector Industrial”

SICREEE invita a participar en el webinario: “Eficiencia Energética y Reducción de Costos en el Sector Industrial”

El Centro Regional de Energía Renovable y Eficiencia Energética del SICA (SICREEE), llevará a cabo el webinario, “Eficiencia Energética y Reducción de Costos en el Sector Industrial”, el día 27 de abril de 2022, a las 9:00 a.m.

Image of Capacity Building Drives the Energy Transition

Capacity Building Drives the Energy Transition

The CARICOM Energy Knowledge Hub (CEKH) continues its growth towards being the go-to place for Energy statistics and information in the region with more than 2,000 hits the first quarter of 2022.