The Energy Commission is organizing the 2nd Ghana Renewable Energy Fair (Conference and Exhibition) from 9th – 11th August, 2016 at the Accra International Conference Center (AICC) under the theme “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE): Accelerating Energy Access and Security”. The conference will run concurrently with the exhibition over the 3 days.

It is part of the strategic development plan of Ghana, through the Energy Commission to: (i) create a platform for collaboration between government,  the private sector and Civil Society Organizations for the promotion of renewable energy sources, (ii) promote the benefits of renewable energy to facilitate its utilization and (iii) facilitate investment in the renewable energy sector.

In this sense, the goal of the fair is to create a common platform for dissemination of information on renewable energy and energy efficiency, enhance consultation between the private sector, donors and financiers, decision makers and consumers.

Similarly to the previous edition, some technical sessions are planned to take place with experts, where participants will be given the chance to intervene. On the agenda, topics such as improved cookstoves and alternative fuels, innovations in RE&EE and EE as a tool for development are just few of the subject selected to be addressed.

Interested parties who wish to participate in the fair as  exhibitors or you intend to be a sponsors, are please asked to take time to see the PDF documents bellow and contact the organizers of the fair on the contacts made available. 

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