ISA, INES, EACREEE and CT2S launch Solar Webinar Series

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) in collaboration with the French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES), the East African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (EACREEE) and Centre de test des systèmes solaires (CT2S) has launched a series of webinars to build capacity on solar technology applications.

This capacity building programme was originally planned to be face-to-face events within the framework of the ISA’s Solar Technology Application Resource Centre (STAR-C) network. However, since almost all ISA countries are impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, face-to-face session is not possible.

Nevertheless, training and capacity-building is a key activity of ISA towards its partners to their member-countries, especially through the STAR-C network. It is therefore became appropriate for these partners to come up with tools to continue to provide capacity building and keep the community alive across the solar-rich countries.

The partners will organize a series of webinars. The webinar will be based on the trainer’s presentation. Several trainers may intervene in one webinar session depending on the topics. Participants will be invited to get involved with written questions or comments in chat conversation. A follow-up by email / on INES platform with a forum (creation of a specific training course) by the trainer will be systematically put in place to ensure each participant get a chance to ask their specific questions.

Different sessions will be held in English and French. The first Webinar on Solar Photovoltaic Markets will be held on 27th May 2020. Follow the links below for more details on each webinar and FREEE Registration:

27 May 2020 – Webinar on Photovoltaic Markets in English

3 June 2020 – Webinar on Photovoltaic Markets in French

12 June 2020 – Webinar on Photovoltaic Components in English

16 June 2020 – Webinar on Photovoltaic Components in French

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