20th July, 2013 - A Parliamentary Delegation from Angola comprising members of a specialized Commission for State Administration and Local Governance paid a visit to the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE). The delegation was led by Dr. Joaquim dos Reis accompanied by Dr. Estevão José Pedro and Elisa Cata, both deputies of the Angolan National Assembly.  The committee was also accompanied by Dr. José Maria Veiga, former Minister for Infrastructure and the current National Deputy of the National Assembly of Cape Verde.

The delegation was received at the Centre’s Secretariat in Praia, Cape Verde by Mr. Bah F. M. Saho, Renewable Energy Expert of ECREEE, on behalf of the Executive Director.  Mr. Saho thanked the delegation for taking time to visit ECREEE, given the tight schedules and the distance. In a presentation given by Mr. Jansenio Delgado, Renewable Energy Expert of ECREEE, he gave an overview of key activities of the Centre while highlighting the enormous potential for renewable energy and energy efficiency within the ECOWAS region. Mr. Delgado noted that RE and EE policies had recently been adopted by ECOWAS in which he added, would boost penetration of RE and EE as well as strengthen the legal framework of countries in the region. The important role being played by ECREEE in mitigating existing barriers regarding the introduction of clean energy was highlighted during the presentation.

In his remarks, Dr. José Maria Veiga, reiterated the importance of the visit to ECREEE taking into consideration the laudable achievements of the Centre in the successful implementation of renewable energy projects in the region.

Dr. Joaquim dos Reis congratulated the Center for the many achievements made in a relatively short period of time and stressed the increasing need for investments in renewable energy. Dr. dos Reis expressed Angola’s interest in similar investments and noted the importance in fostering cooperation between ECREEE and Angola in this regard.      

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