Development of a Baseline Assessment and Policy Recommendations for the Introduction of Electric 2 & 3 Wheelers in 14 Countries of the ECOWAS Region

A flagship meeting is taking place on the 27th June 2022 at the ECREEE headquarters in Praia Cabo Verde, for the development of a Baseline Assessment and Policy recommendations for the introduction of Electric 2 & 3 Wheelers in 14 Countries of the ECOWAS Region.

This meeting will be attended by the Ag. Executive Director of ECREEE, Mr. Bah F M Saho who will give intoductory speech to open the meeting.  Also in attendance will be the consultant for this project, Mr. Marc Freitas SSA who will gie a presentation on the topic for discussion. The meeting will come to a close after cosing remarks by the ED ECREEE.

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