The CCREEE and CIMH Sign Agreement on Climate Services for Energy

The Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) has signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) to be the lead energy partner in the co-development of state-of-the-art, tailored climate information and services for the energy sector in CARICOM Member States.

The Centre signed on to the agreement which first went into force in 2016, making the Caribbean the first region globally to officially create and implement a commitment between climate-sensitive sectors and a climate services provider to build climate resilience at regional and national levels.

The CCREEE joins other regional agencies and institutions representing Caribbean climate sensitive sectors on the Consortium of Regional Sectoral Early Warning Information Systems Across Climate Timescales (EWISACTs) Coordination Partners. Dr. David Farrell, Principal of the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), which is spearheading the multi-sector climate partnership presented the LoA for signing to Dr. Gary Jackson, Executive Director of the CCREEE at the CIMH Campus on October 7, 2020.

Dr. Jackson expressed his pleasure at the Centre joining the Consortium, stating: “The CCREEE has a mandate to advance sustainable energy within the region and that must be accompanied by addressing climate vulnerabilities and building resilience. The mainstreaming of climate services into the planning of the climate-sensitive energy sector envisioned within the Consortium, is a perfect counterpart to our integrated resource and resilience planning (IRRP) initiative, which falls within the CCREEE Climate Resilience Programme. The CCREEE welcomes the opportunity to continue its pursuit of regional collaboration and coordination, in this worthwhile endeavour; all for the benefit of Caribbean people.”

Dr. Farrell noted: “The CIMH is excited to have CCREEE join the Caribbean EWISACTs partnership and looks forward to the integration of the aspirations, experiences and capabilities of this critical sector into the products and services co-designed, co-developed and co-delivered by Consortium partners. We believe CCREEE’s direct engagement in EWISACTs offers the opportunity to build a more climate smart regional energy sector that meets the demand for cost-effective energy by all sectors and the public through the greater use of green energy strategies that reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change.”

The Caribbean Agricultural Research & Development Institute, the Caribbean Tourism Organization and the Caribbean Public Health Agency have already signed the LoA to continue their participation on the Consortium. In the coming weeks, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association, and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association are all expected to renew their commitment by signing.

Climate early warning information better positions all climate sensitive sectors to become more resilient to extreme climate events while enhancing various aspects of their operations. Consortium partners have co-developed a Regional Roadmap and Plan of Action to guide the development of innovative new climate information products and tools over the next decade.

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