Energy Practitioners Visit the CEKH in the Hundreds

The development of CARICOM Energy Knowledge Hub (CEKH) continues with 176 confirmed active users of the Hub. The breakdown of the users by gender, age, organisation type and country are shown in Figure 1.

This reveals that most of our active users are professionals within the energy space from the public sector, private sector, and academia from across the region, North America, Europe and other small island states.

Between the launch of the Hub in April and the end of September, there were a total of 4,071 visits to the CEKH from 1,160 visitors, with many repeated visits, signalling utility in the content found there.

Visitors completed 718 resource searches, with top searches being country information, renewable energy technologies and climate change. The CCREEE’s thematic hubs were also a frequent search item.

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