University of PNG moves forward with its Net Carbon Neutral Campus

The UPNG is a lead training and research institution on renewable energy in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.  It is located in a country that is abundantly blessed with natural resources – oil, gold and LNG to name a few. While PNG has excellent potential for solar, hydro, geothermal and wind, the access to electricity in the country is fairly low.   

The UPNG has embarked on a mission to be a Carbon-Neutral Campus and is looking for resources to finance this mission. Through PCREEE support, UPNG was able to participate in its joint workshop with the USA, Japan and the Asian Institute of Technology on Accelerating renewable energy deployment in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which was held in Suva, Fiji on 11-13 December 2017.

The networking in this workshop enabled UPNG and representatives from the government’s Energy Division and the Climate Change Development Authority to participate in a recent 2 weeks training on GCF Concept Note Development at the AIT in Bangkok. “This training has really advanced the development of our GCF proposal and I am thankful to the PCREEE for connecting us with the AIT. We look forward for increased collaboration between the PCREEE and our Renewable Energy Centre and the signing of a MoU between our two organisations,”  said Manu Rawali, Lecturer & Acting Director of UPNG Centre of Renewable Energy.



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