PPF Prepared for Acceleration

In the final months of 2021, the CCREEE Project Preparation Facility (PPF) engaged in a range of activities in pursuit of its goal to foster a robust pipeline of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). During the months of October to December, the PPF continued its work by liaising with regional partners, participating in key events, engaging with project applicants, and preparing for the coming year.

In October, the PPF Unit worked closely with several regional partners to develop joint initiatives. Notably, the PPF solidified its relationship with the Caribbean Climate Smart Accelerator (CCSA) via a cooperation agreement. Through the agreement, the organisations agreed to work together to accelerate regional and national mandates for the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Further, with the aim of leveraging collective strength and yielding maximum regional impact, the Facility worked alongside the CARICOM Development Fund, Caribbean Export, the Caribbean Development Bank, and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States to advance regional activities.

November was a busy month for the PPF Unit. Hitting the ground running, the PPF took part in several  CARICOM Energy Month (CEM) events including one entitled the Energy and Water in Resilient Economies Gameshow. The gameshow was an interactive session which featured experts from key institutions aimed at sensitizing the audience on the energy-water nexus. The PPF team also supported the CARICOM Energy Unit in the execution of an Energy Integration and Innovation Business to Business (B2B) Forum as part of CEM’s Caribbean Sustainable Energy Forum (CSEF). The B2B brought together project owners, developers, and suitable representatives of sustainable energy businesses from the Caribbean, North America, and Europe. Continuing its engagement with the public, the PPF participated in a COP 26 side event hosted by its partner, the CCSA, under the theme ‘Climate Finance as a Driver for Climate Action’. The PPF lead, Ms. Charlin Bodley, represented the Facility at the event engaging in rich conversation with fellow panelists from the Republic Bank Financial Holdings, the Clara Lionel Foundation, and the Rocky Mountain Institute.

During the month of November, the PPF also prepared for the CCREEE’s Technical Committee Meeting by engaging with key national, regional, and international stakeholders. Through these engagements, the team was able to gauge buy-in and begin solidifying national and regional 2022 project plans. The Facility also continued to engage with its applicants, conducting site visits and application evaluations.

Wrapping up the activities for the year, in December the PPF team connected with project owners, advisors, and regional partners to set plans for 2022 in place. Looking forward to the new year, the PPF Unit stands ready to accelerate and make significant strides towards its objectives.

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