Online Capacity Building Programme on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Over the past two years the GN-SEC working with CIEMAT and SIDS DOCK on the development of the Online Capacity Building Programme on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It has undergone various test phases with the involvement of experts from the Caribbean, Pacific and Africa. Thanks to ECREEE, CCREEE and PCREEE for their facilitation support.

Currently, the program is available free-of-charge in English, Spanish and Portuguese under:

The program includes nine online modules, which describe and analyse the following technologies and energy issues: Solar Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal and Ocean Energy technologies, Bioenergy, Energy Efficiency and Thermal Optimization in buildings, Mini-grids and Energy Storage in Insular Power Systems, E-mobility and an overview on Energy, Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience in island regions.

Learning takes place in an e-learning platform and delivery can be done either in self-study or through trainers. There are two ways of participating:

  • Users can participate as a student undertaking the courses by self-learning or by joining a conducted training. Students will receive a course certificate.
  • Users can become trainer and train others. We would encourage national/regional training institutions to include the program into their curricula.

For more information, please visit the link: 

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