EACREEE Business Plan 2020 to 2024

The EACREEE Business Plan was approved by the Board of Directors and will guide the operations of the centre between 2020 and 2024. In the plan, the EACREEE sets out its ambitious vision for the future – listing priorities, setting out programme of activities, and articulating the ideas and means that underlie and will drive those activities. This Plan has been written following extensive consultation with the wider EAC, with input and ideas from across the energy ministries, development partners, own staff, and far beyond. Seven strategic programmatic areas are prioritized by the Business Plan:

  • Accelerating adoption of clean and sustainable cooking and heating
  • Improving energy efficiency in the built industrial environment
  • Promoting capacity building and investment in electrification via clean energy mini-grids and standalone solutions
  • Ensuring inclusive and sustainable energy access in situations of displacement
  • Fostering a lighthouse of new technologies and solutions (storage, digitalization, innovative renewable energy technologies (RET), and circular economy)
  • Promoting utility-scale and distributed grid-connect RE
  • Enhancing women and youth entrepreneurship and employment in sustainable energy businesses within the EAC region

The document is available here: https://www.eacreee.org/document/eacreee-business-plan-2020-2024 

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