CEKH Trends Upward, Focuses on Engagement

Upward Trends

Registrations and site visits to the CARICOM Energy Knowledge Hub (CEKH) continue to increase in the eight months since the launch of the Hub on April 29, 2021. There were 193 members with hundreds of weekly visitors by the end of the fourth quarter (Q4) 2021. Our most active users continue to be public sector, electric utilities, and academic professionals from across the region, North America, Europe, and other small island states.

Overall, there were more than 1,600 hits to the CEKH from more than 650 unique visitors. The visitors completed several hundred searches of the almost 200 resources available within the Hub. The top searches were for information on the regional energy sector, specific countries, and renewable energy policies. The fifteen (15) member state Energy Report Cards (ERCs) and the CARICOM ERC for 2019 have now been published and the 2020 ERC’s are in the final stages of development for publication in January 2022.


Stakeholder Engagement

Further, a Virtual Media Workshop was hosted on November 29th to give the media insights into interpreting the ERCs and the impact of energy sector performance on their audience as a part of CARICOM Energy Month. The facilitator was renowned journalist and educator, Ms Yvette Rowe.

The webinar, “What Can the CEKH Do for You?” was hosted for the NFIs and THs on December 7th. This session was designed to be a detailed introduction to the CEKH. There was an increase in registration and site visits on CEKH immediately following the webinar. The knowledge management team will therefore continue to host similar engagements in 2022. Additionally, surveys will be conducted with existing CEKH users to inform the continued development of the Hub.

Q4 2021 also saw the introduction of the CEKH Quarterly newsletter. The newsletter was distributed in December to registered users to highlight the activity of the CEKH during Q4. This publication will continue in the upcoming year to allow CEKH members to keep abreast of recent updates within the CEKH.

The Abraxas Team and the CCREEE presented the Alpha Version of the R3EAD Data Portal for feedback and validation at Caribbean Energy Development Partners Meeting on Dec 2, 2021. The positive feedback from the development partners underscores the eagerness of regional energy sector personnel for the data and services of the CEKH and the Data Portal which is the newest application to be added to the CEKH suite of products. The data portal is to be launched on March, 2022 alongside the CARICOM Energy Information System (sieCARICOM) developed by OLADE which will also be housed within the CEKH.

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