CCREEE at the Vienna Energy Forum

The Interim-Director of CCREEE and a delegation of the host country Barbados participated in the Vienna Energy Forum on "Sustainable energy for the Implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement", which took place from 9 to 12 May 2017 in Vienna, Austria.The Interim-Director contributed to side event "Regional Incubation Networks to Accelerate Sustainable Energy Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Development" on 9 May and emphasized the importance to strengthen domestic energy entrepreneurs and start-ups to increase the local value creation of renewable energy and energy efficiency investments in the Caribbean. He contributed also to the High-Level Session on "Energy, Food Security, Land, Water, and Health Nexus" and emphasized the importance to address island challenges holistically and in an integrated way. In this context, he made reference to the opportunities of waste to energy solutions to address fossil fuel dependency, economic development, coastal and freshwater protection simultanously. At the margins of the conference, a CCREEE coordination meeting between CCREEE, UNIDO, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the delegation of Barbados took place.


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