Impact evaluation on the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the ECOWAS Policies for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, covering the period 2010 to 2020

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is undertaking an impact evaluation on the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the ECOWAS Policies for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, covering the period 2010 to 2020.
ECREEE is at cross-roads and needs to adjust its internal proceedings and competence to changing demands of the ECOWAS Member States. Since its operationalisation in 2010, major progress has been achieved. Today, the creation of ECREEE is considered as an effective regional policy response from the ECOWAS Ministers of Energy to the oil price emergency in 2008 and the urgent need to reduce fossil fuel dependency.
In a very short time, ECREEE has positioned itself as the hub for promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency in the ECOWAS region. The centre has established a regional policy framework, which includes specific targets for the years 2020 and 2030. In 2020, ECREEE is celebrating its 10 years anniversary. The year marks also the end of the first phase of the ECOWAS Policy on Renewable Energy (EREP) and the ECOWAS Policy on Energy Efficiency (EEEP). In this context, it is an excellent time to take a closer look on what has been achieved in relation to the established policy targets and which impact ECREEE has had in this process, complementary to the efforts of ECOWAS Member States.
There is evidence, that over the past decade the ECOWAS market for renewable energy and energy efficiency products and services has grown significantly. The installed grid-connected and off-grid electric renewable energy capacity has increased. Increased finance has flown into the sector. ECOWAS has gradually been passing the stage of technology demonstration in many areas. There is a small but “critical mass” of skilled public and private sector stakeholders, who require better access to specialised knowledge and the latest technology innovations and solutions. However, there is also evidence that progress has been limited and fossil fuels are still the dominant primary energy source in the region. There is also evidence that in some areas the advancements are still very limited (e.g. cooking, energy efficiency, transport, water heating, electricity losses) and renewed, focused efforts are needed to achieve the envisaged targets by 2030.
To properly assess the current situation, ECREEE in partnership with UNIDO, is seeking consulting support to evaluate the impact of the regional policy processes, and ECREEE as a regional hub, to promote the transition of the region towards renewable energy and energy efficiency. The assignment will produce two reports to be presented in an ECOWAS Ministerial meeting. Due to the small budget, the evaluation will have a limited scope, and ECREEE will support the contractor in data gathering through its internal team. 
Further information is available in the attached Terms of Reference and  
Applicants are requested to submit their proposals in English no later than February 17, 2020, (17:00 hrs. CET time) by registering on the UNIDO procurement system ( In case of difficulties, submissions could exceptionally be sent to, by providing an objective and convincing explanation for doing so.

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