Consultancy Services: Development OF ECOWAS Standards and Labeling for Biomass Cookstoves

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) seeks to contribute to the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of West Africa by improving access to modern, reliable and affordable energy services, increasing energy security and reducing energy related GHG emissions and climate change impacts of the energy system. The specific objective of ECREEE is to create an enabling environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency markets by supporting activities directed at removing existing barriers.

In line with its objectives to promote energy access through the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, ECREEE established a regional clean cooking energy initiative called the West Africa Clean Cooking Alliance (WACCA) with the mandate to accelerate access to clean cooking energy services in the region.

Due to the prevalence of poor quality cooking energy products, market penetration for clean cooking products has been slow amidst efforts by well-intended stakeholders such as WACCA, and others.

In this context, a Call for Proposal is launched to recruit a consultant to develop the regional Standards and Labeling for Biomass Cookstoves for the ECOWAS Region. For more detailed information on the assignment, please see TOR.

The deadline for submission of proposals is the July 10th 2020, 23:00 UTC-1. Proposals should be submitted in English and sent by email ONLY to tender(at)  , clearly indicating in the subject: “DEVELOPMENT OF ECOWAS STANDARDS AND LABELING FOR BIOMASS COOKSTOVES”,

The individual email size should not exceed 10 MB and the attachments should not be on zip format.

For detailed information, please see the ToR below and for any further clarifications you may contact the Programme Coordinator Mr. Guei Kouhie at gkouhie(at)


Procurement expired