The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) is a specialized agency of the ECOWAS Commission responsible for the development and promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The objectives of the agency include the following: a) coordination of projects and programs relating to the promotion and development of renewable energy resources, the increase of energy efficiency to improve access to modern energy services and energy security in the Member States; b) sensitization and capacity building in the region on renewable energy and energy efficiency; c) policy harmonization and quality assurance of renewable energy and energy efficiency services; d) energy research and technology transfer; and e) program development and resource mobilization.
ECOWAS, under the technical leadership of ECREEE, has been implementing four policy agendas as a way to address the daunting challenges facing the region in providing access to clean and affordable energy for all. These are: the renewable energy policy, the energy efficiency policy, the bioenergy policy, and the policy on mainstreaming gender in energy access. ECREEE has been facilitating the development and implementation of sustainable energy projects. Its work program has three main areas—renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cross-cutting themes. The cross-cutting themes include a) sustainable energy policy and enabling environment; b) climate change; c) certification of sustainable energy skills; d) gender mainstreaming; e) resource mobilization; f) energy data collection, management, and publication; g) program communications and, h) information and communication technology. Currently, 15 sub-programs and projects are being implemented across the three program areas.
In 2011, ECREEE formulated its first business plan for the 2011—2016 period to begin to address the region’s relative energy poverty and precarious energy security focused on four 2 intervention areas: a) awareness and capacity building; b) support for policy development; c) knowledge management and project support and; d) investment promotion and advocacy. The Centre’s second and current strategic plan has a five-year duration, i.e. 2017—2021. The focus of the plan is to implement concrete projects that will enhance access to energy, leading to a drastic reduction in energy poverty in the region.
ECREEE is seeking to recruit an individual consultant to develop a new Five-Year (2022 – 2026) Strategic plan in line with the Terms of Reference (ToR) attached.
1) Proposals, both technical and financial, should be submitted by email only to strategicplan(at) (clearly indicating in the subject: «CONSULTANCY TO DEVELOP A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR ECREEE».
2) Technical and Financial proposals should be separated.
3) For additional information or request for clarification, please contact ECREEE through the following E-mails cosae(at) and helayo(at) Please do not copy any of these two email addresses when submitting your proposals. Your application will be disqualified if you ignore this instruction.
4) The financial proposal should be submitted in the currency of an ECOWAS Member State or any other convertible currency (US Dollar, EUR, Canadian Dollar, Pound).
5) The deadline for submission of proposals is 22nd September 2021, 23h00 utc-1.
6) Proposals should not be submitted in ZIP format and should not exceed 10MB (total attachment per email).
Procurement expired