Call for Expressions of Interest: Development of Training manuals based on the REDD+ scheme

ECREEE has received a grant from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BLMFUW), Contract No: BMLFUW-UW.1.5.13/0027-V/9/2013 for the development of ECOWAS Sustainable Biomass Actions under the RED+ activities. The objective is to use part of the grant money for development training manuals on sustainable forest management.

As it is known the ECOWAS region is characterized by heavy dependence on the traditional use of biomass principally for cooking. According to the energy statistics, about 80% of the energy consumption of the region comes from solid biomass. This is contributing significantly to the negative impacts of deforestation and natural resources degradation which has high negative consequences on human development and communities’ well-being. 

ECREEE is therefore seeking for consultants to undertake this assignment, details of which can be found in the TOR bellow.

Procurement expired