The Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA), invites Individual Consultants to express interest in providing the following services.
- A comprehensive overview of the extent of electronic counterfeiting and IP theft in the country;
- A comprehensive mapping and analysis of existing legal, regulatory, supervisory, institutional frameworks for combating electronic counterfeiting and IP theft and related ML in the country;
- A comprehensive mapping of frameworks for international cooperation against electronic counterfeiting and IP theft;
- An understanding of the manifestations of the two phenomena through analysis of specific cases/examples and identification of the types of people involved and the methods and techniques they use;
- A general understanding of the factors that undermine efforts against the two phenomena; and
- Practical policy and operational recommendations for effective actions against the two phenomena and related ML.
Interested candidates should submit their EOI by e-mail to or, latest by Monday 9th March, 2015 noon GMT, with the consultancy title clearly identified on the submission. For more information please download the ToR below
Procurement expired