RCREEE signs new agreement facilitating the implementation of PA-CEMP in Jordan

Amman, Jordan –4th of April 2018: As RCREEE aims to enable the increase and adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency international practices in the Arab region, RCREEE Executive Director, Dr. Ahmed Badr signed an agreement with Jordanian government parties on PA-CEMP project.

The agreement was signed with the Jordanian Engineers' Association (JEA) president, Eng. Majid Tabbaa. The ceremony was attended by H.E the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan, H.E. Dr. Saleh Kharabsheh. This agreement coordinates the launch of the first Arab professional certification program "Pan Arab-Certified Energy Management Professional (PA-CEMP)" in Jordan. PA-CEMP implementation in Jordan is further supported by Jordan Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEF) and Technical Assistance Program to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEE II), funded by the European Union.

“We are extremely optimistic about this fruitful cooperation as Jordan is taking stable and solid steps in developing its renewable energy market. This cooperation will further boost the positive progress in the market with qualified energy management professionals” said Dr. Badr.

The signing ceremony took place on the side of launching the “2nd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) 2018-2020. The ceremony was held under the Patronage of His Majesty the Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dr. Hani Al-Mulki.  Besides, the event was attended by a number of high level representatives and figures including EU Ambassador to Jordan, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Eng. Amani Al Azzam and JREEF Executive Director Rasmi Hamzeh. Notably Jordan’s first National Energy Efficiency Plan (NEEAP) was evaluated by RCREEE in 2015.

More on PA-CEMP, please visit the project page

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