RCREEE at Closing conference of the Paving the Way for the Med Solar Plan ( PWMSP) Project

Madrid, 27-28 September,The closing conference of PWMSP presented results to the various stakeholders involved in the project and discussed how the results can be used for the way forward in achieving the objectives of the future Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP). RCREEE participated in the meeting through the Executive Director, Dr. Tareq Emtairah who presented RCREEE’s position on how to maintain momentum on the recommendations of the project after its closure. Emtairah also re-iterated RCREEE’s unique position as a regional support center and its commitment to follow up on the renewable energy road maps that were developed in the context of the PWMSP. RCREEE has already developed tracking tools in the form of Regional RE and EE indices building on the analysis of PWMSP and RCREEE own research to be used as progress tracking and policy reform dialogue instruments with the member states.

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