Launch of RCREEE’s first Arab Future Energy Index

26 September 2013, RCREEE will launch its first Arab Future Energy Index (AFEX) at at Beirut Energy Forum.

AFEX is the first native Arab index dedicated to monitoring and analyzing sustainable energy competitiveness in the Arab region through quantitative and qualitative analysis for key renewable energy and energy efficiency market dimensions.Countries are ranked under more than 20 indicators that illustrate key energy market aspects including policies, institutional and technical capacities, strategies, socioeconomic data and investments.

RCREEE executive director, Dr. Emtairah along with two policy analysts will be presenting the index key findings and tailored recommendations for 13 Arab states to help improve their sustainable energy competitiveness.

Beirut Energy Forum is considered to be the largest event in Lebanon related to renewable energy, energy efficiency and green buildings. This year with a total of 10 sessions, the Beirut Energy Forum 2013 conference will cover a various range of subjects dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

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