RCREEE Co-organizes a Regional Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas of the ESCWA Region

The conference aimed to present a comprehensive panoramic insight on the future of spreading the use of renewable energy applications. RCREEE delivered a session moderated by Mrs. Amel Bida, Research and Analysis Manager at RCREEE. At the session, speakers from public and private sectors focused on the link between sustainable development and renewable energy and highlighted the importance of the public private partnership (PPP), especially in rural areas.

Notably, the conference was organized by ESCWA in collaboration with the League of Arab States, the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment and RCREEE. The conference was held on 26– 28 November, 2013 in Rabat, Morocco.

The conference drew around 80 participants including policy makers professional executives, and government stakeholders, regional and international organizations, non-governmental institutions and private sector.


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