Swedish Environmental Economics Master Students Complete their Thesis Commissioned by RCREEE

Two masters’ students at the Swedish International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) successfully defended their theses on sustainable energy in the MENA region. As part of RCREEE’s research and development grants, the center commissioned Emma Aberg and Matthew Alison to do their research work in relation to renewable energy adoption and funding in the MENA region. Their research work will be incorporated in various RCREEE’s publication, mainly the Arab Future Energy Index™ (AFEX). 

Emma’s master thesis focuses on the analysis of roof-top solar PV programs in selected MENA countries. Matthew’s subject is on green energy funding mechanisms available in selected MENA countries.

Emma and Matthew conducted field research in Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt in order to gather information and data for their thesis. They interviewed over 50 organizations, institutions, companies, banks and other stakeholders.

After spending the summer writing their master thesis, they defended it successfully in September at Lund University, Sweden.

The Arab Future Energy Index (AFEX) is the first native Arab index dedicated to monitoring and analyzing sustainable energy competitiveness in the Arab region. AFEX offers both quantitative and qualitative analysis for key renewable energy and energy efficiency market dimensions. For more info about the AFEX, visit our website

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