RCREEE Highlights Egyptian Investment Potential in Solar and Wind Power in Berlin

Mr. Amer Barghouth, Private Investments Project Manager at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEEE) made a presentation in Berlin on 17 September 2014, at a conference hosted by the Egyptian embassy in Germany to discuss the significant improvement in renewable energy investment climate in Egypt.

Mr. Barghouth’s presentation was titled "Open for Business: Egypt's Growing RE Market" where he talked about the key findings of the market assessment of the Egyptian market conducted as part of the Private Investment Promotion Project (PIPP).  The presentation highlighted the recent improvement in the market conditions which made RE investments in Egypt attractive to the private sector. In particular, he focused on the emergence of a strong national consensus in favor of energy price reform and private sector participation in RE deployment. He emphasized that a boom in RE investments in underway due to  favorable regulatory environment, fuel and electricity shortages, strong support policies from the government for renewables, and increased demand for off-grid RE Applications. Mr. Barghouth's talk was attended by a crowd of German and Egyptian policy makers, companies, and research institutions.

The conference was hosted by the Egyptian embassy in Germany, in cooperation with the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE). It offered a look at the country's current solar and wind sector and the legal and financial framework for energy projects in Egypt. 


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