RCREEE’s contribution on recently published report by IRENA “Planning for the Renewable Future”

RCREEE's Senior Technical Expert Rim Boukhchina has contributed in 2016 to the recently launched IRENA report "Planning for the renewable future: Long-term modelling and tools to expand variable renewable power in emerging economies", where best-practices in long term planning and modelling for high shares in renewable energies have been presented. The report has a special focus on developing and emerging markets to ensure a high value added in the currently available data on the topic. Part One of the report “Planning the transition to variable renewables” provides guidance by offering an overview of key long-term issues on the large-scale integration of variable renewables into the power grid, while Part Two “Long-term models for energy transition planning” offers guidance in the field of energy modelling.

The full report can be read in the following link: http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/IRENA_Planning_for_the_Renewable_Future_2017.pdf

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