RCREEE Board of Trustees Chairman and Executive director discuss RCREEE strategic approach 2017 - 2020


RCREEE Board of Trustees Chairman and Director of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) Eng. Pierre El Khoury, and RCREEE executive committee member Mr. Ziad Zein visited RCREEE secretariat in Cairo on 4 April 2017. 

During the visit, Eng. Pierre met with RCREEE Executive committee chairperson Eng. Omneya Sabry and Executive director, Eng. Ahmed Badr and discussed the strategic approach of RCREEE 2017 – 2020.

In addition, Eng. Pierre met RCREEE team of experts and discussed RCREEE projects, activities and RCREEE cooperation efforts with its member states and international organizations.

Lebanon is a RCREEE member state since 2008 and assumed the Board of Trustees (BoT) presidency during the 14th Board of Trustees meeting that was held on 27 and 28 February 2017.

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