RCREEE signs two MoUs with RES4MED and MEDENER to enhance cooperation on RE and EE promotion in the Southern-Mediterranean countries

25 July 2017 - During a signature ceremony at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, RCREEE signed two Memorandum of Understandings with RES4MED and MEDENER to formalize and further enhance cooperation on renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency in the Mediterranean.

MEDENER Chair, Dario Chello, RCREEE Executive Director, Ahmed Badr, and RES4MED Secretary General, Roberto Vigotti, gathered at the Ministry to formalize the two MoU agreements in presence of conference attendants and press.

The MoUs reflect a longstanding cooperation for RCREEE with RES4MED and MEDENER based on clear synergies concerning regional renewable energy and energy efficiency promotion in the Southern-Mediterranean countries.

The MoUs also provide a framework for continued and future collaboration on knowledge exchange, capacity building and joint trainings, outreach events and network cooperation in the region.

Besides these institutional activities, the three organizations also collaborate on multilateral initiatives, such as the UfM Platform for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency that is animated by MEDENER and RCREEE, with the support of RES4MED.

The MoU’s will put into place a long-term framework for continued cooperation.

About Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation (MEDENER)

MEDENER is an international association and not-for-profit organization, it includes the southern and northern Agencies, promotes the exchange of experiences, good practices and capacity building of public and private players in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies sources

About Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean & Africa (RES4MED&Africa)

RES4MED is an association that promotes the deployment of large scale and decentralized RE & EE in Southern-Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan African markets to meet local energy needs for growth. Since 2012, RES4MED&Africa gathers a member network from across the clean energy value chain and supports the creation of an enabling environment for renewable energy investments and strategic partnerships.

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