RCREEE and the World Bank assess solar PV status in Yemen

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in collaboration with the World Bank published a study to assess the status of solar PV in Yemen and its development in recent years. The study included several important points that reflect the real situation of the solar PV market and the unprecedented prosperity in its spread. This development was a result of the political conflicts in Yemen, which led to fuel crisis and electricity cutoffs from most Yemeni cities.

The study included an assessment of vital sectors and based on several criteria, the sectors in need of urgent support of solar PV were identified. The study also discussed funding programs for the solar sector and proposed effective business models that seek to partner international financial institutions with local banks to provide appropriate funding and enable citizens to access it.

In addition, the study discussed the supply chain and the technical specifications of products and problems that face the users of solar PV systems. The study also concluded with a set of important recommendations aimed at supporting the sustainability of the solar energy market in Yemen.

Click here to download the study.


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