Another milestone in improving Tonga’s energy security

The Honourable Dr. Saia Ma’u Piukala, the newly appointed Minister of Public Enterprises and Minister of Health, concluded a trip to Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan where he expanded on the significance of the Japan -Tonga relationship.

The focus of the visit was to attend the bid opening ceremony and follow on negotiations for the JICA wind project which was held in a snowing Tokyo, Japan from the 22nd to 29th of January 2018.

The objective of the project is to introduce renewable energy and diversify power supply sources through the installation of a 1.3 megawatt wind power generation system in Niutoua, Tongatapu.

The trip concluded with the Minister visiting the Okinawa Electric Power Company (OEPC) accompanied by TPL CEO Robert Matthews. The Minister was welcomed by the Chairman and senior staff of OEPC which proved to be a very informative trip for the Minister in understanding firsthand wind power technology and its importance in allowing Tonga to reach the 50% renewable energy target by 2020.

Please click on the link below for more on this story:

Source: Ministry of MEIDECC

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