Expert Group Meeting 22-23 October 2015, Kampala, Uganda

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in collaboration with the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat, has organized a two-day meeting with high-level energy experts, to identify strategies for achieving universal energy access in the EAC. The agenda of the Expert Group Meeting includes different sessions, for instance:

  • Universal Energy Access – Trends, Gaps, Challenges and Best Practice Solutions, as well as,
  • Clean Cooking Alternatives – Benefits for the EAC Region,
  • Energy Policy, Knowledge Management and Capacity Building I, II

The output of the Expert Group Meeting, was the development of a clear consolidated regional Plan of Action, in order to assist the EAC Partner States in achieving; national and regional priorities, a contribution to the SE4ALL initiative, and inclusive and sustainable industrial growth. Furthermore, the meeting raised awareness on the economic potential and environmental benefits of sustainable energy solutions.

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