March 10, 2015 – A huge step has been taken by the Government of Cabo Verde in order to build capacities on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Centre of Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance (CERMI) of Cabo Verde has been officially inaugurated, by H.E. Mr. Jorge Carlos de Almeida Fonseca, President of Cabo Verde and His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Mr. Henri Albert G.E.M. Guillaume. The Construction of the training centre is framed on the long-lasting history of collaboration and cooperation between the two States.

Important entities from the society attended the inauguration ceremony as H.E. Mrs. Leonesa Fortes, Minister for Tourism, Entrepreneurial Development and Energy, H.E. Mrs. Janira Hoffer Almada, Minister for Youth and Human Resources Development and representatives from the Luxembourg Cooperation based in Cabo Verde.

At her intervention, H.E. Mrs. Leonesa Fortes stated that the vision of CERMI is to position as an international centre to serve West Africa, building capacities on the different renewable energy technologies. “The fight against poverty in Cabo Verde implies a strong investment on strategic sectors for the development of the country such as renewable energy” she said. The Minister also stressed that the Government of Cabo Verde is working towards quality, efficiency and competitiveness, which is only achievable by allocating resources to invest in tourism and renewable energy, which according to her, are key sectors of development.

H.E. Mrs. Leonesa Fortes further stated that Cabo Verde is strongly committed through hard work to achieve the 100% goal of renewable energy penetration rate by 2020, which is part of the transformation agenda of the country. “Steps are being taken to transform Cabo Verde in an engine for development, by creating opportunities to the private sector on the energy field”, stating that at the present moment, the ministry is working towards the conception of an Energy Cluster.

Anildo Costa, Energy Consultant working with the Cabo Verde coordination group on renewable energy and energy efficiency, gave a presentation on the Cabo Verdean RE & EE Action Plan focusing on how the country can achieve the 100% goal by 2020. Talking on the Cabo Verde Renewable Energy Strategy, he presented the strategy to boost the RE rate in three stages:

  1. 30/35% in 2016;
  2. 50% in 2018;
  3. 100% in 2020

Regarding the Energy Efficiency Strategy, “huge effort is required in order reduce grid losses, improve grid management and improve public lighting efficiency” he said. The goals of the strategy can be achieved by:

  1. Promoting energy efficiency in buildings;
  2. Promoting energy efficiency in appliance and equipment;
  3. Promote energy efficiency for intensive consumers

Mr. Anildo Costa expressed strong confidence on the achievement of the goals set by showing that even though they are not easy, they are perfectly achievable.

CERMI was established to build capacities on different technologies of renewable energy such as solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind, maintenance and also energy efficiency. The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency will work closely with the CERMI and joint efforts to build capacities not only in Cabo Verde, but also throughout the ECOWAS region.

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