Cabo Verde hosts the launch of the UNIDO Country Programme Framework for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development

Tuesday 13th Mrs. Amita Misra, UNIDO’s Director, Regional Programmes and Field Representative, accompanied by Mr. Victor Djemba, UNIDO Representative  and Mr. Rui Levy, National Coordinator, undertook a visit to the Government of Cabo Verde for the the launching of the UNIDO Country Programme Framework for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development.

The Government of Cabo Verde, through the Ministry of Tourism, Investment and Business Development (MTIDE), decided to implement a roadmap for an inclusive and sustainable industrialization of the economy through a Country Programme Framework that will enhance the support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

It is in this context that on December 15th, took place a launch workshop "Framework Programme of the Country for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development for the period 2015-2017". It is recalled that Framework Programme of the country (QPP) is the contribution of UNIDO to the achievement of development goals by supporting the Government of Cape Verde in the implementation of the national strategy for growth and poverty reduction and the achievement of an industrial development sustainable and inclusive.

The opening ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Tourism, Investment and Business Development, Ms. Leonesa Fortes and the signing of the Country Programme Framework was done between the Government of Cape Verde, by the Minister H.E. Mrs. Leonesa Fortes and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, by the Director, Mrs. Amita Misra.

The value of the estimated total budget of CPF is 18.5 million dollars, of which 57% have already been mobilized, and includes four components to effectively support the achievement of the objectives of an Inclusive and Sustainable industrial development strategy: 1) Institutional and Trade Capacity Building; 2) Development of Agribusiness; 3) Development of the Private Sector and Entrepreneurship and 4) Access to Energy and Environmental Management.

Mrs. Amita also paid a visit to ECREEE, during which Mr Hyacynth Elayo, representing the Executive Director, expressed deepest appreciation for the undaunted support and the crucial role UNIDO has played since the beginning of ECREEE, especially as a core partner and member in the executive board and technical committee.

Mrs. Amita expressed UNIDO’s appreciation and content with the excellent cooperation ECREEE has shown in the past years and the progress made so far towards creating a sustainable environment for investment in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. While expressing UNIDO’s commitments towards supporting future endeavor of the centre, she highlighted some current development projects and programs of UNIDO including some decisions taken at the just concluded COP21, which will be beneficial for the ECOWAS region.

Ms. Karin Reiss, UNIDO/ECREEE Sustainable Energy Expert gave a presentation about UNIDO/ECREEE joint programmes. In 2010, the Secretariat of the Centre was established during a six-month preparatory phase in Praia, Cape Verde, with the support of the ECOWAS Commission and the Austrian and Spanish Governments, as well as technical assistance from UNIDO.

Mr. Jansenio Delgado Renewable Energy Expert also made a presentation of GEF activities in Cabo Verde and Guinee.The project GEF-IV “Promoting market based development of small to medium scale renewable energy systems in Cabo Verde” was developed under GEF Regional Strategy Program for West Africa, with the main objective of contributing towards mitigation of climate change by reduction greenhouse gases emissions using RE technologies for productive use, with a total budget of 8,6 M USD, with 1,8 M USD co-funded by GEF.

Some of the major’s outcomes of the GEF Project in Cabo Verde include the construction of; Solar PV system for Water Pumping and Mini-grid for Rural Electrification installed in São Nicolau island; Solar PV system for Ice Factory in Brava island; Mini-grid for Electrification of Figueiras and R. Alta in  Santo Antão island. Under implementation are; Solar Thermal for Hospitals in Praia and S. Vicente, where a  Feasibility Study for the two solar thermal systems will be implemented by an international expert (to start in January 2016) and based on the Feasibility Study an international tender process will be launched beginning 2016; Wind Energy for Desalination  in São Vicente island , where Electra presented a new project that consist in refurbishing a wind farm of 900 kW and installing of a 500 KW 2nd hand wind turbine; a Strategic document for development of 100% RE in Brava and also  a Web platform which is under implementation to register small and medium size RE Systems.

Mrs. Amita also met with H.E. Mrs. Eva Ortet, Minister of Rural Development; H.E Mrs. Fernanda Marques, Minister of Education and Sports; H.E Mr. Antero Veiga, Minister of Environment, Habitat and Land Planning; Ulrika Richardson, UN Resident Coordinator in Cabo Verde, where the new vision for UNIDO based on ISID was presented  and inter-agencies initiatives discussed;  European Union; the private sector; and a courtesy visit to the National Steering Committee of the West Africa Quality Programme.

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