Webinar: Renewable Energy Financing Promotion

IRENA, ECREEE and ECCAS are pleased to invite you on Monday 25th of July at 12 pm GMT (4:00 pm Abu Dhabi) to the webinar “Promouvoir le financement des énergies renouvelables: IRENA Sustainable Energy Marketplace”. This webinar will be conducted in FRENCH.

The main objective of the platform is to actively facilitate (1) project initiation and (2) project development activities, and (3) bring bankable renewable energy projects to financial closure by facilitating access to financial and risk mitigation instruments, advisory services, and public finance from support programmes.

The platform brings together project owners, governments, financiers, and service/technology providers. These stakeholders can register to the marketplace for free and benefit from the following:

  • Access to a pre-screened project pipeline and to a variety of financial instruments
  • Efficient search functions helping investors to find suitable projects according to their specific investment and eligibility criteria
  • Clear and standardized project information through online project profiles
  • Decreased time and effort to originate projects
  • Identification of partners in financing and development of projects, including potential co-investors, other financiers, project development support facilities, as well as advisors and other service providers

In this webinar IRENA will describe how the marketplace works and demonstrate in practice how users can register and can benefit from the marketplace. The participation to the webinar is important to understand the concept and benefits of the platforms but also how IRENA together with its partners are aiming to make investments in renewable energy more viable. The webinar will be organized in cooperation with the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). These organizations will present the needs and opportunities in West and Central Africa and their cooperation with IRENA in terms of support to project developers and investors in the Sustainable Energy Marketplace.

Attached to this email you will find a concept note providing background information about the virtual marketplace and the webinar.

The agenda for the webinar is the following:

  1. Introduction and instructions for the participants: Safiatou Alzouma Nouhou, Regional Programme Officer, Sub Saharan Africa, IRENA (5 minutes)
  2. Introduction to the Sustainable Energy Marketplace : Nopenyo Dabla, Junior Professional Associate, Sub Saharan Africa, IRENA (10 minutes)
  3. Yuri Lima Handem, Coordinator of ECOWAS Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support, ECREEE (5 minutes)
  4. Jean Koutélé, Energy Expert, ECCAS (5 minutes)
  5. Demonstration of the Sustainable Energy Marketplace : Alberto Bernardini, Junior Professional Associate, Finance, IRENA (15-20 minutes)
  6. Q&A (15 - 20 minutes)

Please find below the link for the registration to the webinar:


The webinar will take place on Monday 25th of July at 12:00 pm GMT Time and will last 1 hour.

We warmly welcome you to join the webinar, 

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