ARE Energy Access Investment Forum

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) in collaboration with Energias de Portugal (EDP) and the African-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP), has the pleasure to invite you to the ARE Energy Access Investment Forum, taking place on 22-23 March 2017 in the Turbine Hall of MAAT/EDP Foundation in Lisbon (Portugal).

One of the objectives of the event is to deepen participants' understanding of policy and finance trends for existing and upcoming rural electrification business and engagement opportunities in developing and emerging markets. It also helps participants to understand where the opportunities lie and how to take advantage of them. 

Finally, with representatives from the international and European public and private sector, high level institutions as well as other key stakeholders for the development of business strategies in the decentralized renewable energy sector, the Summit creates a unique networking opportunity for companies, public institutions and NGOs working in off-grid renewable energy markets. 

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) is one of the supporting partners of this event, as it is an ECOWAS agency with the mandate foster sustainable energy in the West African region.

  • Day 1: ARE Energy Access Investment Summit (22 March, 2017) 
  • Day 2: B2B Off-grid Matchmaking (23 March, 2017)

To register to this event, please click here

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