Prime Minister of Cabo Verde inaugurates ECREEE projects in Santo Antão

Santo Antão, 19/January/2018 – The Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, Ulisses Correia e Silva, inaugurates a half a million USD project implemented by ECREEE to promote rural electrification based on solar energy. The projects were co-funded by the Government of Cabo Verde, GEF SGP, UNIDO and the Municipality of Ribeira Grande, benefitting two villages.

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), in collaboration with GEF and UNIDO and the support of the Government of Cabo Verde, are engaged on the implementation of an 8.6 million USD project in Cabo Verde, in order to promote a market-based development of small and medium scale renewable energy systems.

The two PV systems inaugurated, have total capacity generation of 59.5 kWp and represented an investment of 500 thousand USD, benefiting around 110 families in the communities of Figueiras and Ribeira Alta, with a 24 hours a day electricity service.

The inauguration ceremony was presided by the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, who stressed the importance of the project, which in his point of view, will have a very important effect in the lives of the almost 300 inhabitants of these two communities.

On behalf of ECREEE, Mr. Joarel Barros praised the contribution of the partners to materialize the project and highlighted the fact that the Centre gives a special attention to national projects with a high replication and extension potential.

Besides promoting the reduction of socio-economic vulnerabilities, the project also aims to provide the beneficiaries with greater and equitable access to energy through renewable sources. This project is aligned with the mission of ECREEE to foment rural access to affordable energy in the region and the Government of Cabo Verde to reduce the country´s dependence on fossil fuel to generate energy.

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