Global energy experts chart the way forward “Towards an Energy Compact in the Sahel”

ECREEE - Praia, - 21st  June 2021 - The Acting Executive Director of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, (ECREEE), Mr. Bah F. M. Saho has described the provision of mini-grids, and off-grids solutions for electricity as one of the best strategies to tackle energy challenges in the Sahel. Mr. Saho was speaking during a question and answer session at a high-profile forum together with inspiring global leaders working to advance affordable and clean energy globally.

The event is part of High Level Dialogue on Energy 2021 – Ministerial Forums designed to promote implementation of the energy-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – specifically SDG7.  The High-Level Dialogue on Energy will build a grand coalition of countries, businesses, and civil society to raise ambition and accelerate action on sustainable energy through concrete new plans.

The ECREEE Boss also singled out the provision of clean, safe and affordable cooking solutions for the population as part of the strategy to address the energy crisis in the Sahel through its program called WACCA (West Africa Clean Cooking-Energy Alliance). Mr. Saho underscored the important role played by communities and stakeholders in the whole equation and emphasized the need to involve them in planning stages to the finishing stage. He also spoke about the important role played by governments, development partners as well as the private sector in this endeavour.

Mr. Saho also dilated on the ECREEE Bio-energy program designed to promote agro-forestry program in a bid to increase food self-sufficiency while enhancing wood energy access. He also highlighted the ECREEE Bio-energy/Gender programs as well as capacity building including certification and sensitization.  Mr. Saho stressed the need for what he called an “inclusive approach” involving communities in a bid to create jobs and promote rural health and wealth to achieve sustainable development.  

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