ECREEE Reinforces Improved Cook-stove Production in West Africa

ECREEE - Praia, - 11th July 2022 - The West Africa Clean Cooking Alliance (WACCA) is bracing-up for a seven-day camp designed to train entrepreneurs on the production and dissemination of improved cook stoves. The training which will be organized by ECREEE in partnership with the Ministry of Energy of Sierra Leone, is scheduled to take place in the Government Technical Institute (GTI) in Kono, Sierra Leone from the 18th to 23rd July 2022. The Training being supported by the ECOWAS Commission and the Australian development cooperation seeks to enhance the implementation of ECOWAS Bio-energy Policy and the WACCA Regional Action Plan.

According to the World Energy Outlook Survey 2012, a staggering 2.6 billion people still depend on traditional cook stoves or open fires for cooking and heating their homes. At the ECOWAS regional level, the majority of households (about 80%) still rely on traditional biomass as their primary cooking fuel. It was in this light that, the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and partners launched the West Africa Clean Cooking Alliance initiative in October 2012.

The main objective of WACCA is to bring clean, safe, affordable cooking energy solution to the entire ECOWAS population by 2030, which is in line with the overall objective of ECREEE to promote energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency within the sub-region.

The training is targeting women and young entrepreneurs in the clean cooking industry, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations, as well as technicians and companies already involved in the production and dissemination of clean cook stoves. Biomass-based fuels (wood fuel and charcoal) reportedly represent more than 90% of the household energy needs of the ECOWAS population especially in rural and peri-urban areas.

The WACCA Camp thus seeks to sensitize participants on the biochar systems and its benefits, how Improved cook stoves fit into the sustainable energy supply chain and how to promote and disseminate the technology in the Sierra Leone. The training also aims to enhance local manufacturing of efficient, affordable, clean cook stoves and support the emergence of local businesses and create local employment amongst others.

Participants will undergo both theoretical and practical training on the production of standard improved cook stoves. At the end of the workshop they are expected to develop thorough understanding on how to design and produce improved cook stoves and crucial entrepreneurial strategies, as well as develop and implement investments in clean cook stoves projects.

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