The ECOWAS-DONORS Consultation Committee of ECREEE met on November 7 in Abuja

The second meeting of the ECOWAS-DONORS Consultation Committee of ECREEE took place on Monday, November 7, 2022 in Abuja, Nigeria under the chairmanship of Mr. Sediko DOUKA, Commissioner in charge of Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization of the ECOWAS Commission.

During the opening of the meeting and on behalf of all donors, Mr. Assani DAHOUENON, Program Officer "Promotion of a Climate-Friendly Electricity Market in the ECOWAS Region (ProMERC)" at GiZ, addressed its congratulations to the ECOWAS Commission for the organization of this important meeting.

As a prelude to his presentation, Mr. Francis SEMPORE, Executive Director of ECREEE, thanked all the stakeholders who contributed to the success of the 7th edition of the ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Forum (ESEF 2022) which took place on October 31 and November 1, 2022 in Abuja with a special mention to the Ministers in charge of Energy of Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Senegal and the Spanish Ambassador to Nigeria who honored the official opening ceremony of the Forum with their presence.

The members of the Consultation Committee comprising the main technical and financial partners of ECREEE carried out a review of the implementation of activities for the year 2022 and an examination of the work plan and the provisional budget for the year 2023. During At this meeting, the ECREEE draft strategic plan 2023-2027 received the approval of the Consultation Committee for its finalization and for its implementation.

The Technical and Financial Partners of ECREEE recognized the significant contribution of ECREEE to the achievement of the objective of access to sustainable energy for the entire population of the ECOWAS region by 2030 and took the commitment to support the Agency's programs and projects through greater mobilization of financial and technical resources for the construction of sustainable energy infrastructure in all the member countries of the Region.

As a reminder, the first meeting of the Consultation Committee took place on August 18 and 19, 2021 in Praia, Cabo Verde.

ECREEE works in close collaboration with the following technical partners: AECID, GiZ, BAD, WASCAL, UNIDO, ADA, UNDP, World Bank, European Union, GGGI, and GEF, among other partners.

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