Call for Applications: External evaluation of the received proposals to the second EREF call

Following the launching the of ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF), second call for proposals which targets the implementation of renewable energy powered mini-grids and the establishment of a management, operation and maintenance system in rural and peri-urban areas of West Africa, ECREEE is seeking for an expert support to conduct an external evaluation of the proposals which has passed the first administrative screening. 

The following activities and tentative timeline are foreseen as shown in the following table:

Activities  Tentative timeline
Kick-off meeting over the phone/ Skype with the EREF team,  review of the EREF second call documentation, agreement on the evaluation sheet to be used 1st Week
Evaluation of the proposals which has passed the first administrative screening, using the detailed criteria listed in the chapter “5.2 Project Appraisal and Approval” of the EREF guidelines 1st - 3rd Week
Preparation and submission of the draft final report, including the evaluation sheet and a page evaluation of each proposal 3rd Week
Submission of the revised final report including EREF team observations 26th Sept

Download the Terms of Reference below for more information 

Procurement expired