Development of quality standards of bioethanol for cooking and transportation of the ECOWAS Region

The ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have received a grant from the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to implement the project "Improving the Governance of the Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Sector in West Africa (AGoSEREE-AO)" of the Program “Promotion of a climate-friendly electricity market in the ECOWAS region (ProMERC). They intend to use part of the funds for the recruitment of a firm or a consortium of consultants for the development of regional quality standards on bioethanol for cooking and transport for the ECOWAS region.

Please submit your technical and financial offer before 18.05.2020 (12 noon Berlin time) in English, at GIZ headquarters, to the address in the invitation letter. Details of the submission requirements are explained in the general application conditions.

Within the framework of this study described in the terms of reference, ECREE/GIZ reserves the right to award additional service contracts to the tenderer selected in this procedure, or to conclude a follow-up contract in accordance with the criteria listed in the terms of reference and the contract.

Tender Documents:

Procurement expired